Warranty, Returns and Refunds

Warranty and Spa Treatments-

The following can be subject to change.

Warranty: Warranty covers manufacturer defects, so basically if it's my fault I fix it. If it's from misuse then there will be a charge for materials and labor. I send out a page with each knife that advise against activity to avoid premature wear and/or damage.

If for some reason your knife is defective due to materials or workmanship, you can return it to me for repair.

I will repair your knife, including parts and labor, or replace it with a new knife at my discretion. Repair is not always possible or practical. I will replace your knife with the same knife or one that is comparable (if the same knife is no longer available).

If your knife has sentimental value, please decide whether you want to send it to me for repair. If the problem with your knife is significant, there is the possibility that I may need to replace it. I will not return a defective knife that must be replaced.


If your knife needs to be repaired, please send it to me for evaluation. Don’t try to repair it yourself. If you repair it yourself or have someone else repair it, you will void your warranty.

Reasons why we may charge you a fee for repair:

* Damage caused by misuse or abuse
* Failure to care, clean and maintain your knife
* Damage due to self-repair or repair by a third party
* Damage due to dismantling or tampering with your knife
* Sharpening your knife on a grinder
* Use of red loctite

Spine Whacking -- I do not condone Spine whacks!!! I will not warranty a folder if it has been spine whacked. As a maker, I will be able to tell if the lock has been damaged by spine whacking. This has become a common practice in the last few years to see if a lock will fail. It damages the lock!

If you must test the lock do so by pushing on the spine of the blade against the lock (keep your fingers clear of the edge, Duh!). If the lock fails this test with less than 10lbs of force, I will fix it. If you have to wiggle and pry to get this to happen, don't worry about it, as you should never be putting that kind of pressure on the back of a folder anyway! Buy a fixed blade if you need that kind of pressure...

Wrist flipping will also cause premature wear and permanent damage and issues caused by this will not be covered under warranty.

Any modifications not done by me will also void the warranty.

Zirconium clips or zirconium infused material (zircuti, black timascus etc) that get bent are not warranty items, they will require replacement normally, at your cost.

I do not do refunds or returns.